Reclaiming the Lost Pieces: A Journey Towards Wholeness and Self-Acceptance

Apr 05, 2023

How do we lose our vital essence? And how can we reclaim vitality? Many of us today don't feel completely whole, as if we are not all here. When we begin to become aware of this, we can open to the possibility of reclaiming the intimacy we once enjoyed. With support, we can recover our soul, the vital essence of life.  

I share with you today, a clients' story, about welcoming back lost parts of herself who were willing to begin the journey home to wholeness.  

"What is trauma?  Well for me it was total annihilation of my personal existence and I lost all feeling of any sensations. I didn't consciously know this because my body and mind were blank; trauma completely numbed my capacity to sense any emotional or physical pain.  Even my brain went numb so that I didn't miss having fun, laughing, or really living.  

Trauma is timeless so when I got triggered, my body reacted as if the trauma was happening NOW, in the present moment.  Whether the actual...

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The Pain of Neglect

Feb 05, 2021
Today I spent some time with a person who has suffered incredible neglect throughout their entire life. They have been on a long journey of healing; reclaiming their sense of self. One of the things they shared is that is was like riding a jaggedy roller coaster. Have you ever ridden one of those? They can jar you to your bones. You can get off and never be the same again.
It’s been really confusing for this person to even know who they are or even where they are, or how they have gotten as far as they have in their life. So, just taking it slow, being very relational, taking time to be with whatever experience unfolds for them is really important. Acknowledging what it’s like when you’ve had so many years where you felt slammed, boxed up, or sometimes it feels like being in a vice grip it’s so intense. I’ve heard some say that it’s a mindless and terrible place to be of this yo-yoing; here I am and now here I’m gone.
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