What Happens After Healing?

Feb 26, 2021
Have you ever wondered what happens after healing? I used to wonder that. When I felt really stuck in my life experiences, I read a lot of books. There are a lot of books out there about healing, about self-care and improvement. I have a lot of books on that subject. There are a lot of books around how to be a self-healer too, and how to heal your own trauma.
I’ve done a lot of soul searching and I’ve tried a lot of different programs; read lots of different books, listened to recordings, attended webinars and many of these things helped, but didn’t last in my life. There is always more healing to do. I became very attached to the illusion that if I could just dissolve the illusion, then I could heal. So, the problem was I felt like I was not fully healed, and I felt really stuck.
Part of the process of my own self-discovery was feeling rather alienated from others and alone in my experience. I would wonder, “Am I always going to be...
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