Barely Surviving and Feeling Left Behind

Sep 24, 2021

I was working with a client the other day and they said they were feeling just so bad. It was as if they were immobilized, frozen, from the inside out. What they noticed was that they stopped noticing what they felt in their body. It was as if they became numb and their head became really heavy as well.  

As they started to experience a shift, what they began to notice was they could begin to sense their peripheral senses. When we can begin to notice the space between our first two fingers it can start to bring us back in a completely different way.  

This is a very unique thing to be able to do, but, notice right now the space between your two first fingers. Is it warm, or is it cold? Is it moist, or is it dry? Simply notice without attempting to change anything, but just bringing your attention to your peripheral senses.  

Another thing my client noticed was being able to have movement, to invite movement would begin to allow the energy to flow again...

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Stepping Through Time

Sep 17, 2021

The other day I was asked to write about what it would be like to be in a session with me for a summit coming up. The idea of participating in the summit delighted me, yet when I heard the request for me to write 100 words of less to draw people in, I drew a blank. It’s hard to describe what this is like.  

What I did was reach out for some support to unpack that a little bit. When I went blank inside, it was like a big pause button had been pushed inside of me, and I recognized an opportunity for some deepening of my understanding of self. 

As I was held in a sacred circle of support, I stepped back through time, which is a powerful process to welcome my inner experience more fully. What arose for me was my fourteen-year-old self. This part of me had made a vow never to write something that could be read publicly especially. 

As I went back in time to be with this part and receive more clarity around it, what happened was my fourteen-year-old-self used to...

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Cringing with Shame

Sep 10, 2021

Sometimes I find myself falling back into really old patterns. Patterns that I thought I had let go and that I wasn’t ever going to use again. Sometimes what can happen, when I’ve noticed that I’m operating out of an old pattern, is I can just beat myself up with anger.  

It sounds something like, “Oh, you are so stupid! I can’t believe you are doing that again!” 

Then, inside I have this cringing with shame experience, “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe that! I’m so horrible.” 

And the, I can fall even lower in the spectrum of energies. Into self-loathing, “Eeew, yuck.” Some disgust can come up. 

Well, I’m really grateful that on my journey in this life, I’ve discovered that it’s possible to recognize these aspects of myself with compassion. In those moments I can acknowledge how it feels to be me. I can speak to myself, “Gloria, are you just feeling such...

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Working with Fear and Anger

Sep 03, 2021

Fear and anger can be really powerful forces. When I’ve worked with people, and taken time to do my own inner work, a discovery that I’ve made is any time that I’ve had an anger reaction, when I can slow it down I unpack it, I discover there was a fear right underneath it that started the cascade of emotional reaction within me. Depending on what our life experience has been, that can look really different for all of us. 

I was working with someone the other day, and they noticed that this fear came up really quickly, and right on its heels there was an anger. Just a feisty anger and so much of it. Then, there would be a complete shut down right after that.  

As we took time with this, and went into the process of Healing You, there was an image that came up of a small child within that had a sense of heaviness and wanted to cry. There was no comfort, no soothing available. As we rode the wave of this energy there was a memory of big people and lots...

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Do You Wish You Had Lived a Different Life?

Aug 27, 2021

What happens inside of us when we are self-critical? Where does that even begin? I’ve spent some time with this and for a couple of nights I would wake up around 2 or 3 and there would be this self-critical voice spinning around and around. The more it would spin, the more critical it would become.  

What would happen for me was a contraction, a kind of collapse inside of myself. As I woke up a little more, to actually pay attention in a new way, I recognized that this voice had a flavor to it. It was, “How could you?” So, there was shame in there, and as I sat with that, I could hear underneath that “How could you?” that there was deep grief inside of myself.  

This voice inside was listing all of the ways that I had failed as a mother. That’s really huge. My life’s dream when I was a little girl was to be a mother. So, it was rehashing all of those moments that I wanted...

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Youโ€™re Never Going to Succeed

Aug 20, 2021

Some days make you wonder about the path you are on. There can be days where for absolute weeks, months, and years, decades even! You have been on a path that you have felt called to be on, and then, all of a sudden, a door closes. It’s bewildering, it can be devastating even. It can feel earth shattering and you cry out “Why, what’s happening here!?” 

I’m recognizing today that those moments in my life, when I’ve taken the time to slow down and actually come into presence, in my heart, body and soul, there’s a message for me.  

It’s not “Do not pass Go.” It’s not “Stop.” Or “You’re bad and wrong and what your doing is not worth anything.” It’s not “You’re never going to succeed. You’re never going to be good enough.” 

Though all those seemed like they might be the answer, there was just something wrong with me. There...

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You've Just Become A Little Bit Invisible

Aug 13, 2021

Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in anywhere? You could maybe be part of a group feeling totally fine and then all of a sudden, it’s as if there is a disconnect that happens inside. It could be a little bit of dissociation in your mind. Or, maybe it feels like you’ve just become a little bit invisible and there is no sense of a connection between you and anyone else in the group. It’s like there is a space between you and others that before you hadn’t felt at all. 

Then, you notice the other people and you wonder, how are they connected? How are they doing that? I want to acknowledge there can be this experience where it feels like there is something missing. There is some kind of missing linkage.  

I was working with a client the other day and they were having a very similar experience to this. They had been part of a group for quite awhile and what happened was when...

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You Can No Longer Hide in Unconsciousness

Aug 06, 2021

Do you know what is really possible? Well, it is possible that you can awaken to know your truth. You can see new possibilities for relationships that you couldn’t see before. Which means you can no longer hide in the shadows. You can no longer hide in unconsciousness.  

It used to be that you didn’t have a language for heart connection. Because of that you lived a life that felt disjointed and scrambled around in a sense of aloneness. Like a fish out of water. At times it felt pretty scary. 

But now you know it is safe to experience and experiment with new possibilities. You can even do this in real time. You can cultivate pathways, connections with others who have heart connection that support you, nurture you, and empower you, to be all that you were created to be.  

One of the things you can do to continue to support this to happen, is to simply notice. Drop into your own heart and begin to notice what you are doing that activates this...

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Feeling Alone In the World?

Jul 30, 2021

Have you ever felt completely and utterly alone in the world? Where your experience is one that there was just a lack of tangible support available to you. For some of us our body contracts, our stomach can hurt, and there is a kind of collapse in our system. Then, our thoughts can become dark and it’s like slipping into a void. 

I’ve had that happen to me before. It was not pleasant, nor was it comfortable. Yet, what I know is possible is to seek out accompaniment. So let me tell you a story.  

I reached out to my empathy buddy to have a check in. We hadn’t checked in with one another in a while, and I described what it was like to be me. Then, I asked if they could offer me some resonate support.  

One of the things that was guessed was, “Do you wish that an angel could come down from heaven right to where you are. Standing beside you, they would gently place a hand on your shoulder and acknowledge that “It’s...

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When Trauma Takes Over

Jul 23, 2021

How do you talk to yourself? Do you notice how you talk to yourself? How about especially when you’ve made a mistake? What does it sound like, that voice inside of your head?  

Do you even like yourself? I’m wondering, are you self-critical? Or are you ever NOT self-critical? Do you constantly compare yourself to others? Or did your parents compare you to others? Did they constantly compare people? 

Our default mode network (DMN) is the part of us that is the voice in our heads. We all have one. When we’ve had experiences of trauma, then that trauma takes over our default mode network. It reruns all the memories. It really wants us to heal. It can get stuck though.  

When we are little, if we don’t make sense to our moms, then as a baby our system has to run on cortisol in order to survive. This can burn us out. When a baby is born its amygdala (emotional alarm system) is hard wired to create a state of alarm in order to get...

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